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Drop off the following old, broken, or obsolete electronic equipment

and we’ll recycle it for FREE!

Computers and Accessories

  • Desktops

  • Laptops

  • Tablets

  • Monitors and Displays

  • Servers

  • Keyboards and Mice

  • Hard Drives (all hard drives will be securely destroyed)

  • Switches

  • UPS Systems

Audio/Video Equipment 

  • Televisions

  • DVD Players

  • Game Systems

  • VCRs

  • Stereos

  • Cameras

  • Radios

Office Equipment

  • Copiers

  • Printers

  • Fax Machines

  • Surge Protectors

  • Electric Adding Machines and Typewriters

Handheld Devices 

  • Cell/Mobile Phones

  • Pagers

  • Calculators

  • PDAs

  • Two-Way Radios

Countertop Appliances 

  • Microwaves

  • Ovens

  • Coffee Makers

Regional Recycling & Waste Reduction District
300 Spring Building, Suite 200
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
501-340-8787 •

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